Did you know that there is no such thing as failure in the music industry? Every little mistake is actually a building block that improves you as an artist, even if it feels like everything is crashing down. So here's a video on how you can handle things when a project falls apart or doesn't yield the results you were hoping for! Check it out! xo, JONATHAN MILLER🌙
Hey There!
Today I wanted to share a video with some tips on how to find a producer for your next track! We'll start by identifying what a producer is (and what it ISN'T) so you know what to look for. Then I'll share some tips on what to watch out for you can maximize the quality of your next recording! Watch it above in the attached video! xo, JONATHAN MILLER🌙 Happy Wednesday!
One of the most common questions I receive is how to properly copyright music. Everyone gets really scared (rightfully so) of people stealing your song so I wanted to share some copyrighting basics to hopefully ease the minds of some indie artists! However, remember I'm not a lawyer and this isn't official legal counsel so make sure you ask one if you've got further questions! Anyway, enjoy! xo, JONATHAN MILLER🌙 Hello!
Self-Promotion online can be a tricky thing to navigate on your own. There's a certain way to go about it in order to yield the results you want without being in people's faces. So here's a video on some do's and don'ts on social media etiquette for indie musicians! Enjoy and Subscribe! xo, JONATHAN MILLER🌙 In a world Post-COVID19, time has been moving incredibly fast... but also painfully slowly.
I don't know about you but if it weren't for my work schedule, I wouldn't know what day it is at all anymore. Time seems to completely blend together! I feel like I upload my YouTube videos on Wednesday and then I blink and it's time to upload the next one! 😂 Are you experiencing this? I don't know if it's because of everything happening in the world, this pandemic or what but it's difficult to maintain focus sometimes. It's not impossible, by any means, but it's also ok to have difficult moments too. Still, even as our social media feeds seemingly go back to whatever "normal" was, it's still important to be anti-racist and continue having difficult conversations with family and friends. Black Lives Matter isn't a trend, it's an actual movement that will continue in the months and years ahead. 😷It's important to stay vigilant in wearing a mask and social distancing. Cases here in the US are rising because people don't want to follow health officials. It's frustrating watching the rest of the world decrease in cases while many people here don't believe COVID-19 is even real! 🙄Ugh! I hope you're doing your best to stay strong in this wild whirlwind of a year. Many lives have been lost worldwide and going outside can be really terrifying. Make sure you monitor your physical AND mental health because I still believe there is hope for a positive outcome. This will NOT be our forever, even though it feels like it is. Stay strong and I'm sending you love. 💗 xo, JONATHAN MILLER🌙 Happy Wednesday! 😁
I love working in the music industry. I wouldn't trade it for the world! However, it's also an industry that's very taxing on the mind. 🧠 So today, I'm talking about some common Pressures in the Music Industry that I've personally faced and how to best deal with them so your mind and body stay healthy! Check it out in the attached video! xo, JONATHAN MILLER🌙 |
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September 2022