As an indie dance pop songwriter, I'm always looking for ways to improve my technique and one of the ways I do this is by looking at how other songwriters write popular music. Now, I try not to consume myself in what everyone else is doing because I gotta do my own thing too, ya know? But there's a lot you can learn from others if you know WHAT to look for and WHERE to look for it. 👀 For example, Ms. Vocal Goddess Ariana Grande just released a new song called "No Tears Left To Cry" and, like, all of her fans were in love 😍 (myself included LOL) 😂 However, I've also seen some people scratching their head as to why other pop artists have been calling it "innovative" and "new." Well, I thought it would be a great time to do a video on my YouTube channel this week analyzing just WHY people LOVE this song so much! What MAKES it different from other pop songs on the radio? Why do people care? I'm breaking down "No Tears Left To Cry" section by section and line by line and identifying key elements that make Ariana's track so refreshing! xo, and Welcome to Level 2! ~Jonathan Miller
Hey Cyborgs!
Jonathan has been on vacation this past week, enjoying some time with our beautiful planet and all she has to offer. Rejuvenating our spirits and seeking more inspiration is a necessity for us all in order to appreciate what is already presenting itself in our lives. What do you do to rejuvenate and get inspired? Play Pokemon? Take a walk along a river? Do a day at the beach? Listen to music? We all need to think about taking a break every now and again to find ourselves and think about our futures! Saturday is Earth Day and while I usually write about Jon's music and it's futuristic vibe, we won't have a future if we don't take care of our planet. So, he's at the beach doing his part in helping to keep it clean, what will you be doing to help take care of our planet? The future is now. See what else Jonathan is up to! Sign up for his newsletter to get free downloads and discounts! Click here for details! ![]() 🍃☀️8 YEARS TODAY☀️🍃 Download: https://bit.ly/2I1gIuj I’m always very careful when I go to make track lists for albums or EPs as it’s important for me that the body of work tells a complete story. “This Summer Air,” my Pop-Rock 3rd Studio Album, was no exception. I chose to put “Escape” as the album lead-off track because it was exactly what I was experiencing around the time I needed to finalize the track list and send #TSA off to be distributed. It’s a song about getting out of a bad situation even though you still see the best in whatever you’re going through. A “taking off the rose-colored glasses” moment, of you will. 🌹 I always wanted the song to be a single because it meant so much to me and after I heard it back completely finished it served as a wake-up call to me. Sadly, it never came to pass... 💥Sometimes a bad situation is just a bad situation and the best thing you can do is leave and take care of yourself. 💥 I hope 🙏🏻 that if you listen to this album, you listen to it IN ORDER at least once and that the music helps you in whatever situation or phase of life you might be in. The record itself is a generally feel-good album which is why I chose “Celebration” to be the last song on the album. When you reached that last song I wanted my listeners to exit with GOOD feelings and feel happy with the top down as the enjoy the warm, summer weather. ☀️🌷🍃🚗 Even though my music is sonically different than this album, I still feel very connected to it. As I write and produce my upcoming EP, I’ve found that I can draw similar comparisons between these two bodies of work: I’m in the strongest and most confident place I’ve ever been in my life and I can’t wait to share that with you. I still get emails from people saying they’ve discovered this album for the first time and they have it on repeat in their car stereos which just makes me so happy. 🔊🔊🔊 So until my next EP comes out, and if you’re into music that isn’t so dance/electronic, take a listen to “This Summer Air.” 🍃 And don’t forget to be kind to one another. I hope the album inspires you to have compassion. Remember, “we all need Somebody,” sometimes. 😉 -Jonathan 🌙 PS: Click this link to download “This Summer Air” directly from my music shop! 🍃https://bit.ly/2I1gIuj🍃 In this video independant dance pop singer/songwriter JONATHAN MILLER talks about common song structures for dance pop music. These are the most common song formats on modern radio. If you're looking for common dance song structures or song structures for EDM this is the video for you! Jonathan is a dance pop songwriter so he's definitely a good source for information on subjects like verse chorus form or verse chorus form structure. Jonathan Miller will give you popular song structures and popular music song structures so make sure you watch til the end! These are awesome pop song structures industry insiders don't want you to know!
What's up Cyborg Family!
As you know I'm really turning up the heat on my next album or EP so I wanted to share with you my morning routine and how I get ready for the day! I've always been an early morning person. Not because I AM a morning person but I like to have a lot of time to wake up and relax. "Shake the cobwebs out." :D I usually have a simple breakfast like a protein smoothie or bar to eat and then I make my coffee or tea. If it's tea, let me just tell you I found the BEST INVENTION EVER. hahaha In the picture above, it's the Chef's Choice Cordless Electric Glass Kettle. I'm not kidding that thing is boiling hot in less than a minute! It's a studio must-have especially if I'm recording that day. The thing is beautiful and easy to handle too. I'm not exactly sure how it heats up so fast but I'm not complaining. If you're a fan of instant coffee this is 100% for you as well! Anyway, after I've got my coffee/tea I usually watch a few episodes of Pokemon (I'm in the middle of the Diamond and Pearl anime at the time of writing this) and then it's brush my teeth, shower, etc and it's time to GO at about 8:30AM! I like this schedule because it allows me some time in the morning to adjust and fully wake up so I'm not just rolling into the studio with sleepy eyes! ZZZZzzzzzz What's YOUR morning routine? Leave me a comment and let me know! Also if you want to check out the Chef's Choice Cordless Electric Glass Kettle that I use all the time CLICK HERE!! Let's talk soon! ~Jonathan |
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September 2022